OpenJaw, as an active participant in the Travel Industry, regularly publishes and sponsors the publication of articles and whitepapers for the industry.

Travel Industry

The Surprising Financial Upside of Hotel Attachment
Unlocking New Revenue Potential


Travel Agency Readiness for NDC
What have we learned about it?


Preparing for an NDC Rollout
The what, who, why, how, and when!


Exploring the Evolution of Airline Distribution – Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges

Airline Distribution Changes Present Opportunities and Challenges for the Industry


Transform your revenues with integrated airline retailing

This article outlines why OpenJaw believes full ownership and a transition to Integrated Airline Retailing can truly transform revenues for an airline.


Opportunities in Airline Retailing
Whitepaper sponsored by OpenJaw Technologies.

Whitepaper by Travel in Motion and Oystin Partners. Sponsored by OpenJaw Technologies.

This white paper explores the benefits of modern airline retailing and how it can address these challenges, while also taking advantage of current market dynamics.

Data & Analytics

Seven trends
in data that matter in travel retailing

The world of Big Data in travel is evolving. In fact, it is really no longer correct to label anything ‘Big Data’. Today it is so commonplace that we have finally moved away from the label of ‘Big Data’ to call it what it really is – just ‘Data’.


The ABC of NDC
(New Distribution Capability)

NDC enables airlines to transform the way they distribute to these third-party sites by addressing the industry’s current distribution limitations.


The Definitive Guide
to Airline Retailing

Retailing is fuelling a revolution in how travel is purchased. In the wider world, retailers have developed sophisticated merchandising techniques to better serve their customers. Airlines are exploring new types of travel services to add value to their customers and improve profitability, but they are selling these services with a traditional airline mind-set.

Travel Industry

Innovation Factory
How to create innovations in travel

What your CEO needs to understand about innovation today.

Data & Analytics

Supercharge Your Airline 'Win-Back' Campaign
with Machine Learning

It is up to 50% easier to sell to existing customers than to win new customers. A 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 25%, or more – sometimes up to 95%.

Travel Industry

How to use Big Data
for Airline Growth

We are witnessing a shift that will completely transform travel.

No matter what part of travel you are involved with and no matter what job you work in, Big Data will transform it.

China Travel

How China Works
What Travel Brands Need To Know

Travel Industry

Conversion Messaging
in Travel Retailing

When making a decision, it would be nice to think that people consider all the available information in order to guide their thinking. But reality is very different. Humans need shortcuts or rules of thumb to guide our decision-making.


Beyond the standard
A strategic approach to the new distribution (NDC) landscape

The nature of airline distribution has been fundamentally transformed by two massively disruptive forces:


10 Challenges For Airlines
In The Next Decade

What Airlines Need To Know To Set Themselves Up For The Next 10 years


t-Retail NDC Overview
Accelerate your Retail Strategy

A one-stop shop for all your Direct Channels (Web, Mobile & NDC Sales)

Travel Industry

Adopting a Customer Centric Approach
What do customers want today?

Today, against the backdrop of a global pandemic, we are seeing evidence of a recovery in aviation primarily in countries with large domestic travel markets such as the United States and China.


Transforming airline retailing
with NDC

Airlines have to be dramatically more effective in how they sell, so that their customers find the value they seek. To deliver this value, airlines have to see themselves as retailers of products and services rather than just ‘seat sellers’.

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latest News

Latest News
OpenJaw collaborates with Lufthansa Systems to create an end-to-end Offer and Order Solution for airline customers.

OpenJaw collaborates with Lufthansa Systems to create an end-to-end Offer and Order Solution for airline customers.